There are more people living under modern-day slavery than there were at the height of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In fact, human trafficking has been on the rise all over the world for the past 10 years. Ohio, like many other states, has seen an increase in the number of justice-involved human trafficking victims. Combatting a problem of this nature requires cross-sector collaboration. To that end, I have developed a workshop that brings together Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (ODRC) staff, direct service providers, community stakeholders, and incarcerated women to collaborate to combat sex trafficking in Ohio.
BIPOC women and girls & the sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline
BIPOC women and girls & the sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline
BIPOC women and girls & the sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline
BIPOC women and girls & the sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline
Abolition Project published Oct 21, 2021