


MELS Case 1 Updated 16 days ago

PI Website Updated 17 days ago

CoLab Outreach & Engagement Yr 2 Updated 19 days ago

MELS Case 1 (a404) Updated 2 months ago

MELS Case 1 (db38) Updated 2 months ago

CPM Impacts Generic (RHS) Updated 2 months ago

MSPC ToC Updated 2 months ago

MSPC Nutrition Updated 2 months ago

MELS Case 1 (Backup 14May2024) Updated 2 months ago

TSI Future Updated 6 months ago

Climate Parents Ecosystem Map Updated 8 months ago

MELS Case 1 - Back up copy 071223 Updated 8 months ago

Permaculture Mapping Updated 8 months ago

CoLab Next Steps Project Updated 10 months ago

CoLab Next Steps Project Collaboration Updated over 1 year ago

CPM Generic Example Updated over 2 years ago

A map which shows the components and layout of a Change Pathways Map for a permaculture project

CPM - CMRA Kenya course example Updated over 2 years ago

MSPC ToC (db4a) Updated over 2 years ago

CPM Example Map Updated over 2 years ago

A map which shows the components and layout of a Change Pathways Map for a permaculture project

CPM - CMRA Kenya Updated over 2 years ago

CPM - CSC Ghana Updated over 2 years ago

Fork of Jhiljhile Integrated Village Updated over 2 years ago

copy of CPM - CMRA Kenya 25 Jan 2022 Updated over 2 years ago

CPM - Almost Heaven - Alisha Updated over 2 years ago

Copy of CPM - CSC Ghana 20Jan22 Updated over 2 years ago

MSPC ToC (0192) Updated over 2 years ago

CPM - PPI Zanzibar Updated over 2 years ago

Backup PI Website 9 Dec 2021 Updated over 2 years ago

CPM - Almost Heaven - Poonam Updated over 2 years ago

Back Up PI Website Updated over 2 years ago

S Semillas O Updated over 2 years ago

S Semillas Back Up (Forked 2nd Nov 2021) Updated over 2 years ago

CPM test Updated over 2 years ago

CPM - CMRA Kenya (46c7) Updated over 2 years ago

CPM - Example Compost Updated almost 3 years ago

quick. test gs Updated almost 3 years ago

GS2 Updated almost 3 years ago

CPM Template Oct 2021 Updated almost 3 years ago

PET Change Pathway Template Updated almost 3 years ago

Change Pathways Updated almost 3 years ago

GS1 Updated almost 3 years ago

sta play Updated 3 years ago

S&R Play Updated over 3 years ago

play Updated over 3 years ago

An area to test and play

CTRLshift Updated almost 4 years ago

Kumu 101 Updated almost 4 years ago

An introduction to Kumu which I hope is sufficient for others to begin developing relationship models without having to wade through all the initial Kumu understanding.

Ctrl Shift Project Updated over 5 years ago

Kate Test Updated over 5 years ago

Ctrl Shift Org Mapping Sandbox Updated over 5 years ago

A sandbox project for me to hack away on and become a Kumu master.