This is a map to show the results of the meso mapping exercise conducted at the end 2019. This project is about mapping the meso ecosystem that supports the Bio Trade sector in South Africa. The data was collected via a survey sent to more than 60 publicly and privately funded organisations in South Africa. It contains the details of supporting organisations, their value chain focus, species prioritisation, market orientation and provincial selection.
Manufacturing Atlas of Occupations
TIPS QI Landscape
Here we can try out new things
Mapping the Conformity Assessment Bodies using public data from
QI Interdependence
This is a map to show the results of the meso mapping exercise conducted at the end 2019. This project is about mapping the meso ecosystem that supports the Bio Trade sector in South Africa. The data was collected via a survey sent to more than 60 publicly and privately funded organisations in South Africa. It contains the details of supporting organisations, their value chain focus, species prioritisation, market orientation and provincial selection.
Moldova North Map
This project is about mapping the meso ecosystem that supports the Bio Trade sector in South Africa. The data was collected via a survey sent to more than 60 publicly and privately funded organisations in South Africa.
Relations between functions in the Entrepreneurial Innovation Ecosystem published Nov 14, 2020
4IR Technology Extension Network in South Africa published Apr 15, 2020
QI Landscape published Mar 9, 2020
RSA Bio Sector Meso support landscape - 8th stakeholder forum published Dec 1, 2019