Stijn Vernaillen

Stijn Vernaillen


MaaS Belgium Updated 12 months ago

Mapping of the Belgian MaaS Ecosystem

MaaS Updated 12 months ago

Basedon Google Sheet

OpenMobility Updated 12 months ago

Antwerp Mobility Projects Updated 1 year ago

The UBER Case Study Updated over 1 year ago

This case study has two objectives:

Mobility Data initiatives Belgium Updated over 1 year ago

SnA Dienstverlening Updated over 4 years ago

Hackistan - Actors mapping Updated over 6 years ago

Belgian Innovation Ecosystem Updated over 6 years ago

Hackistan : This projects aims at mapping out the belgian innovation and start-up ecosystem

Presentations by pomgod

Building a MaaS Ecosystem published May 16, 2022

OpenMaaS published Nov 14, 2018