
Up to Youth SNA 2023 Update Updated 3 months ago

KenyaGLP-Migori Updated 3 months ago

EthiopiaRLA Baseline SNA Updated 5 months ago

OSD Retreat Updated 9 months ago

Láminas del taller

Narco trafficking-TEST Updated 10 months ago

MESA Relationships with USAID and IPs Updated 10 months ago

As MESA concludes its first quarter of work, we have engaged with several USAID technical offices and IPs

Up To Youth Scenario Maps Updated 10 months ago

SAM-B ToC Updated 10 months ago

Guatemala SSC Updated 1 year ago

Safe and Secure Cities

USAID/Mexico Transparency-Taller SNA Updated 1 year ago

Analisis de Redes para la red de participantes en el taller

Southern Mexico Development Initiatives Updated 1 year ago

Coordinate and learn more about what the others are doing, identify areas of possible collaboration and/or complementarities, and simply network and get to know each other.

System Archetypes Updated 1 year ago

Example Archetype Loops

Up to Youth SNA Refresh 2023 Updated over 1 year ago

In 2023, four years after the original SNA conducted to identify actors that work in the target municipalities that may be able to advance youth prioritized issues, a refresh looking at the connections between the members of the YSNs was conducted.

VN LCD TOC Updated over 1 year ago

GLP Kenya SNA Updated over 1 year ago

IDS Ethiopia Reform Updated almost 2 years ago

GLP Kenya test project Updated almost 2 years ago

Final TMS Honduras Factor Map Updated 2 years ago

This is the final factor map for the TMS Honduran Market system mapping project conducted by ACDI/VOCA and LINC.

IDS Collaboration Models Updated over 2 years ago

SWS Debre Birhan Endline Updated almost 3 years ago

Honduras TMS Dynamics Updated 3 years ago

Social Network Analysis (SWS Training) Updated over 3 years ago

Social Network Analysis (LSPP) Updated over 3 years ago

SWS Woliso Endline Updated over 3 years ago

SWS South Ari Endline Updated over 3 years ago

SWS Mile Endline Updated over 3 years ago

SWS Midterm ONA - Weliso Updated over 3 years ago

SWS Midterm ONA - DB Updated over 3 years ago

LSP Macedonia ONA Updated over 3 years ago

Esterito_Ciclos Causales _Final Updated over 3 years ago

Lograr identificar de forma colectiva los puntos de alto apalancamiento que considere las posibles acciones a realizar por ICF y sus organizaciones socias para el logro de un cambio en el desarrollo integral de las familias en Esterito.

CSSP Training SNA Updated almost 4 years ago

Network Map for CSSP Training Participants

Cambodia RuSH Subsector System Map Updated almost 4 years ago


HTMS Baseline Updated almost 4 years ago

LCDA Omidyar Updated 4 years ago

Our maps for the Omidyar course by the LCDA team

SWS Midterm ONA - South Ari Updated over 4 years ago

SWS Midterm ONA - Mille Updated over 4 years ago

Debre Birhan Networks Updated over 4 years ago

Impact Investor Co-Investment Updated over 4 years ago

Morocco Training Data Updated over 4 years ago


Network strengthening Updated over 4 years ago

Locally-Led Development Updated 5 years ago

Entrenamiento Dialogos Updated 5 years ago

Nicaragua WfD Updated 5 years ago

Nicaragua Workforce Development Network - 2015

LSP M3 BKK Updated over 5 years ago

LINC SNA test Updated over 5 years ago

Illustrative TMS Map Updated 6 years ago

LINC test project Updated 6 years ago

Presentations by lincllc

Using SNA to Analyze Impact Investment Ecosystems published Jun 11, 2018