The US Supreme Court has been taken over by a collection of billionaires who use it to obtain outcomes that cannot be obtained through the democratic process. This project is designed to map the connections among the cases and the fake plaintiffs.
Based on an article from the Cato Institute
2020 Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren's plan to empower American workers and raise wages. Prepared for Policy Deep Dive for the Northeast Iowa City district campaign office, Iowa City, IA
Systems Thinking World was established by and for those who believe a systemic perspective provides the best foundation for creating effective approaches for dealing with challenges and shaping a better tomorrow. Our purpose is to create content, foster interactions and to apply systems thinking to further an understanding of a systemic perspective to enable thinking and acting systemically.
Looking at the Green New Deal proposals; do they make sense; what are the likely consequences
The death of small business in big cities explained
Why work has failed us: Having a job doesn't mean you can afford a home
How 20 years of stop and search has widened America's racial divide
Why this hospital treats its local neighborhood like a patient
Likely outcomes of FCC ruling that limits what local authorities can charge providers
Why hospitals are subsiding apartments for the homeless
The gradual loss of first amendment rights for individuals
How an invasive species of lake trout might lead to ecological collapse of Yellowstone National Park
How These Colorado Farmers Banded Together To Save Their Water Supply-A Systems Story
Effects of imposing tariffs to cope with the perception of unfair trade
Tags: Perspective,
Examination of legislation to address price of medication in the US
Exploration into whether mass production farming has made food less nutrious
Shifting the burden archetype and remedy
Based on What you think you know about money is wrong
Based on Ryan Mohr's Making systems more approachable
Systems Practice course investigating generational poverty
Exploration into whether globalism contributes to lack of community
For Storytelling class
Exploration into how to intervene on chronic poverty
Exploration into how to intervene on chronic poverty
An astounding 102 million trees are now dead in November 22, 2016
Based on a story in the Iowa City Press Citizen
Accidental Adversaries Archetype
Understanding sources of variation that might be controllable
How the protocol for reporting and investigating unethical behavior defeats itself
Tryna figure stuff out
Exploration into causes and countermeasures of error in knowledge work
Generic archetype
A presentation of Kumu's Manifesto, with related links, stories, simulations, etc.
Economies of scale is a success to the successful archetype
An example of virtual collaboration about virtual collaboration
How purchasing and implementing software to make things easier often makes things harder
A Diagrammatic Depiction of Co-Risk Feedbacks
Study of neighborhood crime and what interventions are effective in reducing it.
How the lean "wastes" interact
Developmental or Administrative: How the dual purposes of performance appraisal prevents success
Payments from Big Pharma to Iowa City Doctors 2013. Data from Pro Publica
Model of water rights and legislation
Causal loop diagrams from Management f-laws: how organizations really work, by Russell Ackoff and Herbert Addison, with responses by Sally Bibb
A collection of positive archetypes, some of which are countermeasures to the (negative) system archetypes
Mind map of lean bronze certification concepts
Success to the successful archetype underlying school funding
An exploration into the possible consequences of the consolidation of major health insurance providers
Pushback on the 1099 economy.
Model of sustainability
A story to fill in the "missing" pieces to make it more human(e)
Shop Locally? published Nov 29, 2018
Stop and search published Nov 1, 2018
A local hospital cuts costs and helps the community published Aug 28, 2018
First Amendment Rights published Aug 5, 2018
Drug Prices/Mfg published Dec 15, 2017
Drug Prices/PBMs published Dec 3, 2017
Overshoot and Collapse published Jul 3, 2016
New IT Systems published Mar 19, 2016
Limit Access published Dec 29, 2015
Organizational Ethics published Dec 27, 2015
Neighborhood crime reduction published Oct 26, 2015
Health insurance consolidation: Consequences published Jul 26, 2015
Resolution to two insidious archetypes published May 25, 2015
Venn Diagram Lesson published Apr 25, 2015