Democracy Labs

Democracy Labs


Peter Thiel - J.D. Vance Updated 14 hours ago

Peter Thiel - J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance profile Updated 9 days ago

J.D. Vance profile

Electric Utilities need regulation Updated 14 days ago

Sweating Without Power? See How Utility Firms Have Rigged The System!

Billionaires buyout the justice system May 8,2024 Updated 14 days ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Clarence Thomas Travels To Russia Updated 15 days ago

Globe Trotting Clarence Thomas

Boeing greed kills Updated 18 days ago

Boeing greed kills

From Vulnerable to Enslaved Updated 19 days ago

From Vulnerable to Enslaved: Could You Be The Next Victim In MAGA Supreme Court's Scheme?

MAGA Supreme Court prepares to coronate another Republican President Updated 19 days ago

Democracy STONEd to death

Trump's cronies who wrote project 2025 Updated 21 days ago

Leonard Leo networks Feb 25, 2024

Supreme Court Legalizes Bribery Updated 26 days ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

The billionaire's puppet Updated 1 month ago

Billionaire GOP donors

Billionaire GOP donors (e865) Updated 1 month ago

Billionaire GOP donors

Fossil fuel billionaires causing heat waves should compensate their victims Updated 1 month ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

How to How to Stage a Fake Political Rally Updated 1 month ago

How to Stage a Fake Political Rally in 4 Easy Steps

Will Lewis Murdoch's News Corp Updated 1 month ago

News Corp - Global Disinfo Network

Shameless Clarence Thomas June 2024 Updated 1 month ago

Globe Trotting Clarence Thomas

Billionaire owned media promotes Trump Updated 1 month ago

Media billionaires terrified of Gigi Sohn at the FCC

Supreme Court Corruption August 10 Updated 2 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Alito's SUPREME PERJURY Timeline Updated 2 months ago

Supreme Court Royalty

Supreme Court Royalty Updated 2 months ago

Supreme Court Royalty

Israeli disinfo campaign in America Updated 2 months ago

Israeli disinfo campaign in America

Trump racism denies Black Women a hand up Updated 2 months ago

Opioid and Asbestos Billionaires' Donations to Dodge Justice. Follow the money

Supreme Court Royalty Rules American Peasants (33ac) Updated 2 months ago

Supreme Court Royalty Rules American Peasants

Supreme Court Royalty Rules American Peasants Updated 2 months ago

Supreme Court Royalty Rules American Peasants

Real Housewives Of Supreme Court Justices Updated 2 months ago

Fruit of the SUPREMELY Poisoned tree

Fruit of the SUPREMELY Poisoned tree Updated 2 months ago

Fruit of the SUPREMELY Poisoned tree

Shameless Supreme Court map (May 17, 2024) Updated 2 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Medicare Advantage denials Updated 2 months ago

Healthcare claim denials

Billionaires silence their critics Updated 2 months ago

Billionaires silence their critics

IVF ban - Spot the BS Updated 2 months ago

IVF ban - Spot the BS

Who is attacking Fanni Willis Updated 2 months ago

Who is attacking Fanni Willis

Alito - Stock Sales Updated 2 months ago

Billionaire GOP donors Updated 2 months ago

Billionaire GOP donors

Credit Card gouging Updated 2 months ago

AIPAC Updated 2 months ago

How to silence any criticism of Israel

Netanyahu's war to stay out of jail Updated 3 months ago

Netanyahu's cabinet

False Flag Updated 3 months ago

Trump Catch And Kill Election Interference Trail V5.4 Updated 3 months ago

Trump - Stormy Daniel cover-up

Racist Marijuana Laws Reinvent Slavery Updated 3 months ago

Up in Smoke: Racist Marijuana Laws Reinvent Slavery

Team Netanyahu mapped Updated 3 months ago


SCOTUS on EMTALA Updated 3 months ago


Catch And Kill V4.22 Updated 3 months ago

Trump - Stormy Daniel cover-up

Murdoch News Corp is Cancer on Democracy - NY Trial Updated 3 months ago

Murdoch's International Influence Operation

What's Driving Netanyahu's Wars Updated 3 months ago

What's Driving Netanyahu's Wars

Shameless Clarence and Ginni Thomas Updated 3 months ago

Ginni Thomas - Mark Meadows connection March 25, 2020

Ginni Thomas V3.30 Updated 3 months ago

Ginni Thomas - Mark Meadows connection March 25, 2020

Healthcare claim denials Updated 3 months ago

Healthcare claim denials

Leo is above the law Updated 3 months ago

Election Interference 101 Updated 3 months ago

Trump - Stormy Daniel cover-up

Arizona abortion ban Updated 3 months ago

Arizona abortion ban

Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act Updated 4 months ago

Gun lobby donations in 2022

Who is blocking your Student Loan relief Updated 4 months ago

Who is blocking your Student Loan relief

Trump's Total Abortion Ban Updated 4 months ago

Trump's Total Abortion Ban Explained

Trump's $175 million bond Updated 4 months ago

Who paid Trump's $175 million bond

Benefits Updated 4 months ago


Trump SPAC Updated 4 months ago

Unholy trinity targeting abortion rights Updated 4 months ago

Right wing conservative justices target women's rights

Judge Ho bans abortion pill (afcc) Updated 4 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Leonard Leo Protection Racket March 24, 2024 Updated 4 months ago

Leonard Leo networks Feb 25, 2024

Trump - Stormy Daniel cover-up Updated 4 months ago

Trump - Stormy Daniel cover-up

Party of the rich Updated 4 months ago

Party of the rich, by the richer, for the richest

Mapping Russian - GOP connections Updated 4 months ago

Russian - GOP connections

Orban meddles in American politics Updated 4 months ago

Orban meddles American politics

Smirnoff disinformation Updated 4 months ago

Smirnoff disinformation

Voter Guide Updated 4 months ago

Voter Guide

Netanyahu's cabinet Updated 4 months ago

Netanyahu's cabinet

Youngkin Chinese connection Updated 5 months ago

Chubb posts bond for Trump Updated 5 months ago

Experts Said for Weeks That Trump Might Get Bonded By Kremlin Allies. Now It’s Happening—Causing a National Security Crisis—So Why Is Media So Silent About the Greenberg Family? - Seth Abramson

Biggest fraud Updated 5 months ago

Biggest fraud

MAGA Justices on the Supreme Court decided to hear Trump’s claims of absolute presidential immunity Updated 5 months ago

Despite a total lack of legal precedent and universal rejection by lower courts, the MAGA Justices on the Supreme Court decided to hear Trump’s claims of absolute presidential immunity.

Supreme Court team that installed George W Bush into presidency Updated 5 months ago

Democracy STONEd to death

Stoking hate claims another victim Updated 5 months ago

Stoking hate claims another victim

Leonard Leo networks Feb 25, 2024 Updated 5 months ago

Leonard Leo networks Feb 25, 2024

Leonard Leo network (Feb 24, 2024) Updated 5 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Elections Have Consequences: You Lose IVF Updated 5 months ago

Supreme Six Pack hangover

Trump's Total Abortion Ban Explained Updated 5 months ago

Trump's Total Abortion Ban Explained

Putin's MAGA Cheerleaders Updated 5 months ago

Democracy Is Not A Protection Racket

Russian money to Mike Johnson Updated 5 months ago

How Russians have infiltrated the Republican part

Democracy Is Not A Protection Racket Updated 6 months ago

Democracy Is Not A Protection Racket

Billionaires buyout Supreme Court Updated 6 months ago

Republican Hits Clarence Thomas With Lawsuit Over His Taxes Updated 6 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Bogus science to ban abortion pills Updated 6 months ago

Bogus science to ban abortion pills

Republican judge shopping Updated 6 months ago

Republican judge shopping to deny women their rights

Judge Ho bans abortion pill Updated 6 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Trump's Case Goes To Supreme Court Updated 6 months ago

Democracy STONEd to death

Putin's MAGA Republican Cheerleaders Updated 6 months ago

How Russians have infiltrated the Republican part

Supreme Six Pack hangover Updated 6 months ago

Supreme Six Pack hangover

Chuck Grassley to kill bill Updated 6 months ago

Chuck Grassley to kill bill

Axis of chaos Updated 6 months ago

Putin's puppets

Follow the dark money with NO LABELS Updated 6 months ago

Who is behind No Labels

Follow the dark money behind NO LABELS Updated 6 months ago

Who is behind No Labels

Casualties in the Republican war on women Updated 6 months ago

Casualties in the Republican war on women

MAGA Supreme Court To Help Abortion Bounty Hunters Track Down Women Updated 6 months ago

Google endangers women

How to dehumanize people Updated 6 months ago

No more junk fees Updated 6 months ago

No more junk fees

Google endangers women Updated 6 months ago

Google endangers women

Why Johnny can't read Updated 6 months ago

Why Johnny can't read

Bibi Updated 6 months ago


Orange Jesus and his twelve disciples Updated 6 months ago

Orange Jesus and his twelve disciples are a danger to women

Why Dictators Attack The Courts Updated 7 months ago

Why do dictators attack the courts? Follow the money.

How to travel like a Supreme court Justice Updated 7 months ago

Globe Trotting Clarence Thomas

Supreme Court That Installed George W Bush Updated 7 months ago

Supreme Court That Installed George W Bush

Real men don't assault women Updated 7 months ago

Real men don't assault women

Ten Commandments: MAGA Edition Updated 7 months ago

Ten Commandments: MAGA Edition

Jan 6 insurrection defenders tribute Updated 7 months ago

Honoring those who died protecting American democracy from a bloody insurrection

Bullets Updated 7 months ago


2024 Nasty Women Calendar Updated 7 months ago

2024 Nasty Women Calendar

2023 Climate Disasters Updated 7 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Fulton County Indictments update - Dec 30, 2023 Updated 7 months ago

Indicted in Fulton County Georgia

Indicted in Fulton County Georgia - August 24, 2024 Updated 7 months ago

Indicted in Fulton County Georgia

Jared Kushner - Benjamin Netanyahu Updated 7 months ago

Hedge funds bankrupt nursing homes Updated 7 months ago

Hedge funds bankrupt nursing homes

John Roberts Supreme Court Legacy Updated 7 months ago

Junk fees Updated 7 months ago

Junk fees

Conservative lawyers and operatives who handed Presidency to Bush Updated 7 months ago

Conservative lawyers and operatives who handed Presidency to Bush

Trump's trials Updated 7 months ago

Trumps's Trials

Supreme Extortion : Clarence Thomas Updated 7 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Why you can't afford to buy or rent a house Updated 7 months ago

Why you can't afford to buy or rent a house. Thank he hedge fund managers who have rigged the system

James Comer corruption Updated 7 months ago

James Comer corruption

How to become a billionaire Updated 7 months ago

How to become a billionaire by exploiting the tax code

Walking Coffin Maker Updated 8 months ago

Texas abortion cruetly

Who is funding hate groups? Follow the money. Updated 8 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Project 2025 explained Updated 8 months ago

Trump's plan to be a dictator

Mapping violence against women Updated 8 months ago

Mapping violence against women

Texas abortion cruelty Updated 8 months ago

Texas abortion cruetly

Stop gun violence Updated 8 months ago

Stop gun violence and mass shootings

Moms For Liberty Scandal Updated 8 months ago

Mapping accusations sexual assault against Florida GOP Leader and husband of Moms For Liberty

Lead contamination Updated 8 months ago

Lead contamination

Billionaire PayDay Updated 8 months ago

Republicans push to ban condoms Updated 8 months ago

Republicans push to ban condoms

Texas Senate Republicans acquit Ken Paxton Updated 8 months ago

Texas size corruption

UAW Bump helps all autoworkers Updated 8 months ago

Judges sacrifice kids to gun violence Updated 8 months ago

Judges sacrifice kids to gun violence

Elon Musk Anti-Semitism Updated 8 months ago

Elon Musk Anti-Semitism

Putin's puppets Updated 8 months ago

Putin's puppets

UNIVISION plays favorites Updated 8 months ago

UNIVISION plays favorites

Billionaire owned media slants coverage to promoter billionaire friendly Trump Updated 8 months ago

Media billionaires terrified of Gigi Sohn at the FCC

MAGA Style elections Updated 9 months ago

MAGA Style elections - Heads I win, Tails it was rigged.

Why you pay so much for drugs Updated 9 months ago

Medicare drug price negotiation

Big Pharma blood money lobbying Updated 9 months ago

Medicare drug price negotiation

Domestic Violence Map Updated 9 months ago

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MAP Republicans Ban Abortion Bans and Give Abusers More Guns

Why do Republicans really attack the IRS (be1a) Updated 9 months ago

Why do Republicans really attack the IRS

Why do Republicans really attack the IRS Updated 9 months ago

Why do Republicans really attack the IRS

Tate Reeves Mississippi scandal Updated 9 months ago

Tate Reeves Mississippi scandal

What The UAW Strike Accomplshed Updated 9 months ago

How to reduce casualties in a mass shooting Updated 9 months ago

How to reduce casualties in a mass shooting

Mike Johnson's Russian Connections Updated 9 months ago

Mike Johnson's Russian Connections

Clarence Thomas Luxury Motor Home Updated 9 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Supreme Court Corruption Sep 19 Updated 9 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Georgia 6 week abortion ban Updated 9 months ago

Georgia 6 week abortion ban

Leonard Leo: Dark money stacks the Supreme Court with extremists Updated 9 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Coup plotters - Sept 9 Updated 9 months ago

Indicted in Fulton County Georgia

Texas Hold'Em Updated 9 months ago

Billionaires control the media Updated 9 months ago

Media billionaires terrified of Gigi Sohn at the FCC

How does Mark get away with it Updated 9 months ago

How does Mark get away with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram doing terrible things.

Saudi Oil Money Controls Twitter Updated 9 months ago

Saudi Oil Money Controls Twitter

Republicans play politics with national defense Updated 10 months ago

Tuberville holds up military nominations

Restaurant workers exploited Updated 10 months ago

Automaker CEOs driven by dollars Updated 10 months ago


Rich Old White Man's Court Updated 10 months ago

MAGA Union Busters Updated 10 months ago


UAW Updated 10 months ago


What happens to the automakers' profits? Updated 10 months ago

What happens to the automakers' profits?

MAGA Circus Updated 10 months ago

Clarence Thomas: Koch Brothers' Paid Fundraising Puppet Updated 10 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Murdoch News Corp is Cancer on Democracy Updated 10 months ago

Murdoch's International Influence Operation

Texas size corruption Updated 10 months ago

Texas size corruption

Jokers threaten to shutdown government Updated 11 months ago

Jokers threaten to shutdown government

Wisconsin Republicans protect Uihlein Updated 11 months ago

Wisconsin Republicans protect Uihlein

NWPC endorsed candidates Virginia 2023 Updated 11 months ago

Virginia 2023 races

How to manipulate public surveys Updated 11 months ago

How to manipulate public surveys

Republican war on education Updated 11 months ago

Republican war on education

Globe Trotting Clarence Thomas Updated 11 months ago

Globe Trotting Clarence Thomas

Medicare drug price negotiation Updated 11 months ago

Medicare drug price negotiation

NLRB helps union organizing Updated 11 months ago

NLRB helps union organizing

Moore v US Updated 11 months ago

Billionaire-linked US thinktank behind supreme court wealth tax case lobbying

Hate speech grooms killers Updated 11 months ago

Who is grooming killers?

Vivek Ramaswamy Updated 11 months ago

Vivek Ramaswamy

Billionaire Tax Dodger Academy Awards Updated 11 months ago

Billionaire Tax Dodger Academy Awards

Fossil Fuel billionaires behind Supreme Court Corruption Updated 11 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Indicted in Fulton County Georgia Updated 11 months ago

Indicted in Fulton County Georgia

Lead poisoning from telephone cables Updated 11 months ago

Lead poisoning from telephone cables

Judge who banned abortion pills Updated 11 months ago

Details about multimillion-dollar stock holding concealed in abortion pill judge’s financial disclosures

Tuberville holds up military nominations Updated 11 months ago

Tuberville holds up military nominations

Christian Nationalists Taking Over Updated 11 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Student Loan Vulture Capitalist Updated 11 months ago

Student Loan Industrial Complex

Student Loan Industrial Complex Updated 11 months ago

Student Loan Industrial Complex

OxyContin Updated 12 months ago

Follow the blood money.

Kansas police raid newspaper Updated 12 months ago

Kansas police raid newspaper

Supreme Court Corruption August 6 Updated 12 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

How to KILL A RAIL SAFETY BILL Updated 12 months ago

Corporate lobbying is a public hazard

Make punishment match the crime including railroad CEOs. Updated 12 months ago

Corporate lobbying is a public hazard

Trump Indictment Guide Updated 12 months ago

Supreme Court Corruption June 27, 2023 (35a5) Updated 12 months ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Trump lawsuit guide Updated 12 months ago

Trump lawsuit guide

Why your kid can't get into an elite college Updated almost 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Follow the money behind RFK Jr. Updated 1 year ago

Follow the money behind RFK Jr.

Defense contractors fund Tuberville Updated 1 year ago

Defense contractors fund Tuberville who is crippling the U.S. Military

Shameless Clarence Thomas July 9 2023 Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Fossil fuel billionaires behind climate crisis Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Supreme Court Brings Back Discrimination Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Supreme Court Corruption June 27, 2023 Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

How AI could take over elections Updated 1 year ago

How AI could take over elections

Supreme Court Corruption June 21, 2023 Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Supreme Court Corruption May 5, 2023 Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Bristol Myers Squibb files lawsuit to keep its drug prices high Updated 1 year ago

Merck sues U.S. government to halt Medicare drug price negotiation

Republican War on American Security Updated 1 year ago

Tuberville holds up military nominations

Who pays for public infrastructure Updated 1 year ago

Billionaires use public infrastructure but dodge paying their fair share of taxes that funds it

Saudi money to Republicans Updated 1 year ago

High gas prices fuel Saudi profits investing in Republicans

Merck wants to keep drug prices high Updated 1 year ago

Merck sues U.S. government to halt Medicare drug price negotiation

401Ks in Republican Caused Market Crash Updated 1 year ago

401Ks in Republican Caused Market Crash 2011

Miami Vice: Missing Pensions Updated 1 year ago

Miami Vice: Missing Pensions

How Amazon exploits its drivers Updated 1 year ago

How Amazon exploits its drivers

Virginia 2023 races Updated 1 year ago

Virginia 2023 races

Biased media coverage for sale Updated 1 year ago

Biased media coverage for sale

Veterans hold MAGA Republicans accountable Updated 1 year ago

Veterans hold MAGA Republicans accountable

Follow the money that changed CNN Updated 1 year ago

Follow the money that changed CNN

Billionaires fund opposition to gun safety reform Updated 1 year ago

Billionaires fund opposition to gun safety reform

Voter suppression Updated 1 year ago

Voter suppression

Supreme Court Corruption May 4, 2023 Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Supreme Court Corruption May 1, 2023 Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Corrupt Supreme Court : Follow The Money Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Supreme Court Family Connections : Follow The Money (918c) Updated 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Corrupt Supreme Court: Follow The Money Updated over 1 year ago

Supreme Court approves political bribes

Hungry in Iowa Updated over 1 year ago

Hungry in Iowa

Harlan Crow - Clarence Thomas (April 14, 2023) Updated over 1 year ago

Harlan Crow - Clarence Thomas

Harlan Crow - Clarence Thomas Updated over 1 year ago

Harlan Crow - Clarence Thomas

Money behind No Labels Updated over 1 year ago

Who is behind No Labels

Harlan Crow Updated over 1 year ago

Harlan Crow. Billionaire. Friend of Clarence and Ginni Thomas.

Follow the money behind Ginni Thomas Updated over 1 year ago

Ginni Thomas - Mark Meadows connection March 25, 2020

Tennessee Republicans block gun safety measures Updated over 1 year ago

Tennessee Republicans block gun safety measures

Walmart privatizes profits and socializes losses Updated over 1 year ago

Walmart privatizes profits and socializes losses

Mapping 12 new battles in Republican War On Women Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping 12 new battles in Republican War On Women

Disinformation - Check the source Updated over 1 year ago

Who is funding the information

How Rupert Murdoch leads the GOP Updated over 1 year ago

How Rupert Murdoch leads the GOP

Lobbyists kill safety regulations for a living Updated over 1 year ago

Silicon Valley Bank

Silicon Valley Bank Updated over 1 year ago

Silicon Valley Bank

Republicans takes the economy hostage Updated over 1 year ago

Republicans takes the economy hostage

Who gets richer from FOX knowingly spreading election lies? Updated over 1 year ago

Who gets richer from FOX knowingly spreading election lies? Follow the money.

Billionaire WELL(FAIR) TAX Updated over 1 year ago

Billionaire WELL(FAIR) TAX

Billionaire moochers Updated over 1 year ago

How the rich dodge taxes and mooch of the rest of us

Dominion sues Fox News Updated over 1 year ago

Dominion sues FOX News

Murdoch's News Corp is a Cancer On Democracy Updated over 1 year ago

News Corp - Global Disinfo Network

Republicans cripple FCC for FOX News Updated over 1 year ago

Media billionaires terrified of Gigi Sohn at the FCC

Murdaugh Murders Map Updated over 1 year ago

Murdaugh murders

DeWine connections to Norfolk Southern Updated over 1 year ago

What is the hold up in getting aid to East Palestine

Follow the money behind train crashes Updated over 1 year ago

Follow the money behind train crashes

Corporate lobbying is a public hazard Updated over 1 year ago

Corporate lobbying is a public hazard

Republican hypocrisy on abortion Updated over 1 year ago

Republican hypocrisy on abortion

Follow the dark money behind push to ban abortion pills Updated over 1 year ago

Follow the dark money behind push to ban abortion pills

Billionaires fund Republicans for tax cuts Updated over 1 year ago

Billionaires fund Republicans for tax cuts

When the technology you build is used by racists to terrorize your children Updated over 1 year ago

When the technology you build is used by racists to terrorize your children

Abortion is on the ballot in Wisconsin Updated over 1 year ago

Abortion is on the ballot in Wisconsin

Gun lobby donations in 2022 Updated over 1 year ago

Gun lobby donations in 2022

Gun dealers make a killing Updated over 1 year ago

Gun dealers make a killing as Republicans gut gun safety regulations

Media billionaires terrified of Gigi Sohn at the FCC Updated over 1 year ago

Media billionaires terrified of Gigi Sohn at the FCC

Google helps Republicans prosecute women who have and abortion Updated over 1 year ago

Google helps Republicans prosecute women who have and abortion

Republicans make oil into green energy in Ohio Updated over 1 year ago

Republicans sneak provisions into the bill to allow for drilling on publica lands

Follow the Russian money behind George Santos Updated over 1 year ago

Follow the money behind George Santos

Who's funding George Santos? Updated over 1 year ago

Who's funding George Santos?

Follow the money behind George Santos Updated over 1 year ago

Follow the money behind George Santos

Billionaires pay Republicans to pack the courts that deny workers their rights Updated over 1 year ago

Supreme Court approves political bribes

Putin Republicans promise chaos Updated over 1 year ago

Putin Republicans promise chaos

Jan 6 : Where are the now? Updated over 1 year ago

Jan 6 : Where are the now?

Koch Money funds Freedom Caucus that's taken America hostage Updated over 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Zuckerberg - Trump - Kavanaugh connections Updated over 1 year ago

Joel Kaplan - Republican operative in charge at Facebook

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Make friends and influence Supreme Court Justices

George Santos V2.0 Updated over 1 year ago

Make believe Republican candidate

Southwest Airlines Updated over 1 year ago

What did SOUTHWEST do with the billions in aid your tax dollars funded?

Make believe Republican candidate Updated over 1 year ago

Make believe Republican candidate

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Republicans Kill Dreamer Bill

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Rigged bail bond system

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Who did the IRS audit under Trump

Welfare kings Updated over 1 year ago

Billionaires getting richer from tax payer funded handouts

Would you REALLY trust these guys with your personal info? Updated over 1 year ago

Saudi Oil Money Controls Twitter

Twitter cancels journalists Updated over 1 year ago

Twitter cancels journalists

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Party like Kavanaugh

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Political Violence

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How YouTube makes money from Anti-Semitism

Twitter pay to play propaganda platform Updated over 1 year ago

Twitter pay to play propaganda platform

Mapping Republican attempts to trash votes Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping Republican attempts to trash votes

Gun violence surges as Republicans stoke hate and relax gun laws Updated over 1 year ago

Ballot measures bring about change

Political hate speech spawns violence Updated over 1 year ago

Political hate speech spawns violence

FTX crypto currency scandal Updated over 1 year ago

What is the FTX scandal? How the celebrity-endorsed crypto giant collapsed into chaos

Hit Elon where it hurts Updated over 1 year ago

Twitter pay to play propaganda platform

Republicans deny women access to information about abortion Updated over 1 year ago

Ballot measures bring about change

How the GOP packed Supreme Court gags the American majority Updated over 1 year ago

Supreme Court approves political bribes

Power mapping to see where Elon Musk is most vulnerable to activism Updated over 1 year ago

Twitter pay to play propaganda platform

Mapping Republican war on public education Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping Republican war on public education

Corporate politicians paid to deny climate change Updated over 1 year ago

Fossil fuel firms donate to Republicans who deny climate change

Dark money pushing conservative judges Updated over 1 year ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Scalia Hobby Lobby connections Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping Scalia and Hobby Lobby connections

GOP stacked Supreme Court delivers Congress to Republicans Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping Republican attempts to trash votes

Home Depot billionaire blocks student debt relief Updated over 1 year ago

Georgia billionaire blocks student debt relief

Ratify Roe Now! Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping Republican attempts to trash votes

War profiteering oil companies Updated over 1 year ago

Windfall tax on oil companies

Political Violence Updated over 1 year ago

Political Violence

Political price gouging at the gas pump Updated over 1 year ago

Gig workers deserve better

Gig workers deserve better Updated over 1 year ago

Gig workers deserve better

Ballot measures bring about change Updated over 1 year ago

Ballot measures bring about change

Character assassination playbook Updated almost 2 years ago

Character assassination playbook

Why are Republicans hellbent on killing Social Security Updated almost 2 years ago

Why are Republicans hellbent to killing Social Security

Desperate conspiracy to steal an election Updated almost 2 years ago

Desperate conspiracy to steal an election

Jan 6th Insurrection V1.15.22 Updated almost 2 years ago

Jan 6th Commission

North Carolina judiciary Updated almost 2 years ago

North Carolina judiciary

How to create a Power Map Updated almost 2 years ago

Decriminalize marijuana Updated almost 2 years ago

President Joe Biden announced executive action to pardon thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law.

Dreamers threatened by Republican persecution Updated almost 2 years ago

Dreamers threatened by Republican persecution

Supreme Court Family Connections : Follow The Money Updated almost 2 years ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Best Voter Info WebSites Updated almost 2 years ago

Where to find information about how and where to vote.

Saudi money buys Republican connections Updated almost 2 years ago

Saudi money buys Republican connections

Arizona Republican bans abortions Updated almost 2 years ago

Arizona Republicans ban abortions

DeSantis - Vertos Systems connections Updated almost 2 years ago

Human trafficking political stunt

Mapping Trump Fraud Case Updated almost 2 years ago

Human trafficking political stunt

Mapping how DeSantis defrauded Venezuelan migrants Updated almost 2 years ago

Human trafficking political stunt

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Voter Suppression Academy Award Nominations

Republican Shariah Law Updated almost 2 years ago

Republican Shariah Law

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Human trafficking political stunt

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GOP Human Trafficking

Trump lawsuit tracker Updated almost 2 years ago

Trump lawsuit tracker

Voter Suppression Guide Updated almost 2 years ago

Voter Suppression Guide

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How to choose the right story telling app based on your message, audience and objective

Play the victim card Updated almost 2 years ago

Play the victim card

Dark money pushing conservative judges (90b0) Updated almost 2 years ago

Dark money pushing conservative judges

Billionaires who control the news Updated almost 2 years ago

Meet the billionaires who control the news you get

Florida forces teenage student to have child Updated almost 2 years ago

Florida forces teenage student to have child

Pay your fair share of taxes Updated almost 2 years ago

Pay your fair share of taxes

Drug prices to drop Updated almost 2 years ago

Drug prices to drop

Facebook provided info gets mother prosecuted for discussing abortion with her daughter Updated almost 2 years ago

Joel Kaplan - Republican operative in charge at Facebook

Republicans attack GOP to protect their billionaire tax dodging donors Updated almost 2 years ago

Republicans attack GOP to protect their billionaire tax dodging donors

Biden accomplishments Updated almost 2 years ago

Biden accomplishments

High cost of insulin is killing Americans with Diabetes (34d0) Updated almost 2 years ago

High cost of insulin is killing Americans with Diabetes.

How McDonald exploits workers Updated almost 2 years ago

How McDonald exploits workers

GOP - FOX - Orban Updated almost 2 years ago

GOP - FOX - Orban

Missing Jan 6th Text Messages Updated almost 2 years ago

Missing Jan 6th Text Messages

Trump White House Updated almost 2 years ago

Trump White House

Insurrection caucus (e9e6) Updated almost 2 years ago

Insurrection caucus

Republican attack machine targets ten year old rape victim Updated 2 years ago

Republican attack machine targets ten year old rape victim

How the Catholic Church uses tax payer dollars to deny them access to abortions Updated 2 years ago

How the Catholic Church uses tax payer dollars to deny them access to abortions

GOP - Facebook - SCOTUS connections Updated 2 years ago

Joel Kaplan - Republican operative in charge at Facebook

Democracy STONEd to death Updated 2 years ago

Democracy STONEd to death

Russia - GOP - Jan 6th criminal conspiracy against America Updated 2 years ago

Russia - GOP - Jan 6th criminal conspiracy against America

How Google Exploits Women Searching For Abortion Info Updated 2 years ago

Will Google live up to its own standards of preventing disinformation on its platform

Defund the Insurrectionists Updated 2 years ago

Defund the Insurrectionists

Dark money behind Jan 6th criminal conspiracy Updated 2 years ago

Dark money behind Jan 6th criminal conspiracy

Russian oligarchs manipulate American tech, media and politics Updated 2 years ago

Russian oligarchs manipulate American tech, media and politics

Fight FOX News Disinformation Updated 2 years ago

Fight FOX News Disinformation

Follow the rubles Updated 2 years ago

How Russians have infiltrated the Republican part

Windfall tax on oil companies Updated 2 years ago

Windfall tax on oil companies

Dark Money blocking Climate Change Bills Updated 2 years ago

Dark Money blocking Climate Change Bills

Fake Electors Updated 2 years ago

Fake Electors

Supreme Court demands parents fund schools that can discriminate against them Updated 2 years ago

Supreme Court approves political bribes

Supreme Court approves political bribes Updated 2 years ago

Supreme Court approves political bribes

Union busting billionaires Updated 2 years ago

Union busting billionaires

Insurrection caucus Updated 2 years ago

Insurrection caucus

Baby formula shortage Updated 2 years ago

Baby formula shortage - how lobbying and political donations helped create the shortage

Zuckerberg sued Updated 2 years ago

Suits Target Mark Zuckerberg Over Cambridge Analytica

Texas GOP Gun Laws Updated 2 years ago

Texas GOP Gun Laws

Republicans arm haters Updated 2 years ago

Republicans arm haters

Russian corporate extortion GOP Style Updated 2 years ago

Russian corporate extortion GOP Style

Republican war on women Updated 2 years ago

Republican war on women

Republicans impose Handmaid's Tale horrors on America Updated 2 years ago

Republicans impose Handmaid's Tale horrors on America

Right Wing NonProfits Stack The Court Updated 2 years ago

Why should Federal Tax Payer dollars support partisan groups stack the courts?

Insurrection Updated over 2 years ago


Inflation profiteer Updated over 2 years ago

Billionaire corporate profiteers

Political Character Assassination Updated over 2 years ago

Political Character Assassination. Follow the money

Standing up to hate to build inclusive communities Updated over 2 years ago

Standing up to hate to build inclusive communities

Gig Workers denied health insurance Updated over 2 years ago

Gig Workers denied health insurance

Nightmare scenario Updated over 2 years ago

Nightmare scenario

High cost of insulin is killing Americans with Diabetes Updated over 2 years ago

High cost of insulin is killing Americans with Diabetes.

Ginni Thomas V3.25 Updated over 2 years ago

Ginni Thomas - Mark Meadows connection March 25, 2020

American oligarch spreads Russian propaganda Updated over 2 years ago

American oligarch spreads Russian propaganda

Supreme Court F.O.G. Updated over 2 years ago

Supreme Court F.O.G. (Friends of Ginni Thomas)

Getting Rich Overcharging Diabetics Updated over 2 years ago

Getting Rich Overcharging Diabetics

White Nationalists and Holocaust Deniers Updated over 2 years ago

Are your purchases supporting White Nationalists and Holocaust Deniers

Facebook ignores its rules to spread right wing disinfo Updated over 2 years ago

Joel Kaplan - Republican operative in charge at Facebook

Google makes millions from scams targeting seniors Updated over 2 years ago

Google makes millions from scams targeting seniors

Sandyhook settlement Updated over 2 years ago

Sandyhook settlement against Remington Arms

Illegitimate Political Discourse sponsors Updated over 2 years ago

Corporate sponsored insurrection

Spotify Updated over 2 years ago

Spotify spreads Joe Rogan COVID disinfo

Right wing echo system funding Updated over 2 years ago

Right wing echo system funding

Football Updated over 2 years ago


Jan 6th Commission Updated over 2 years ago

Jan 6th Commission

Frontline workers vaccinated or not Updated over 2 years ago

Frontline workers vaccinated or not

Billionaires profit from spreading COVID disinformation Updated over 2 years ago

Stop Election Sabotage

Stop Election Sabotage Updated over 2 years ago

Stop Election Sabotage

Brett Kavanaugh Updated over 2 years ago

Brett Kavanaugh

Women corporate directors condone abortion ban Updated over 2 years ago

Women corporate directors condone abortion ban

Jan 6th insurrection Updated over 2 years ago

Jan 6th insurrection

Disinformation on Google Updated over 2 years ago

Will Google live up to its own standards of preventing disinformation on its platform

Who's blocking path to citizenship Updated over 2 years ago

Who's blocking path to citizenship

Joel Kaplan Updated over 2 years ago

Joel Kaplan - Republican operative in charge at Facebook

How big pharma keeps drug prices high Updated over 2 years ago

How big pharma keeps drug prices high

Bad bills kill Updated over 2 years ago

Stand Your Ground is bad legislation that is getting innocent people killed

Facebook Enablers: Disinvest Updated over 2 years ago

How does Mark get away with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram doing terrible things.

Jan 6th Capitol rioters conspire at Willard hotel Updated almost 3 years ago

Ringleaders in scheme to overthrow the Americans election results

How AT&T helped build far-right One America News - Reuters Updated almost 3 years ago

How AT&T helped build far-right One America News - Reuters

Greedy Deere denies workers a living wage Updated almost 3 years ago

Greedy Deere denies workers a living wage

Bring Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to justice Updated almost 3 years ago

Bring Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to justice

Facebook buys Zuckerberg a $4.9 billion GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card Updated almost 3 years ago

How does Mark get away with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram doing terrible things.

Who pays Tucker Carlson? Updated almost 3 years ago

Who pays Tucker Carlson

Tax payer funded vigilantes target women Updated almost 3 years ago

Voter suppression by eviction

Corporate lobbyists opposing Build Back Better plan Updated almost 3 years ago

The corporate campaign to tank reconciliation

How does Mark get away with it (dc0f) Updated almost 3 years ago

How does Mark get away with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram doing terrible things.

CEOs funding hostile takeover of women's bodies Updated almost 3 years ago

Voter suppression by eviction

Corporate greed kills Updated almost 3 years ago

Who funds Grover Norquist Updated almost 3 years ago

Who funds Grover Norquist?

Voter suppression by eviction Updated almost 3 years ago

Voter suppression by eviction

Pandemic profiteers Updated almost 3 years ago

Throughout the Covid pandemic we have made sacrifices to protect ourselves, those we love, and our communities. And yet, as the world responded to this threat, a subversive, established industry of anti-vaxxers has seen an opportunity to enrich themselves at the expense of public health.

Evicted? Thank these folks. Updated almost 3 years ago

Evicted? Thank these guys.

End for-profit private prisons Updated almost 3 years ago

Alabama prisons.

Marijuana legalization Updated 3 years ago

Marijuana legalization and racist arrest policies

Climate deniers Updated 3 years ago

Fossil fuel firms donate to Republicans who deny climate change

Corporate slavery Updated 3 years ago

How billionaires strangle democracy to get richer

Denied your right to vote? Thank ALEC. Updated 3 years ago

How ALEC is sponsoring voter suppression efforts across the country.

Funding hate speech? Updated 3 years ago

How public funding subsidizes hate speech on FOX

Take a bite out of disinformation Updated over 3 years ago

Hatemongers Updated over 3 years ago

Hate has consequences. Mapping the players driving racist violence and misogyny.

For The People Updated over 3 years ago

Voter Suppression On The Sly

FOX NEWS Updated over 3 years ago

Making Money Dividing Americans

Pig Law Updated almost 4 years ago

Slavery by another name

Georgia Voting Updated 4 years ago

Georgia Voting Machines

Presentations by Dem-Labs

Follow the money published Oct 26, 2023

Hold Facebook Accountable published Sep 16, 2021

Billionaire moochers published Sep 11, 2021

Who do they work for? published Sep 7, 2021

Texan HandMaid's Tale published Sep 3, 2021

Evicted published Sep 3, 2021

Cannabis legalization published Jul 12, 2021

It's all mine published Jun 16, 2021

Lost your vote? published May 24, 2021

Mapping the money spreading hate published Apr 27, 2021

Watch where you advertise. published Mar 29, 2021

Hate has consequences published Mar 20, 2021

For The People published Feb 21, 2021

Activists take on prison industrial complex published Feb 2, 2021

Voting. Georgia style. published Jun 13, 2020